From a Chinese medical point of view the emotions play a big part in a person’s total health and well-being. There are five main emotions considered when diagnosing an illness – anger, joy, worry, sorrow/grief and fear. Each emotion is connected to a particular organ system. When there is emotional distress it weakens our bodies and our immune system. The environments we live and work in also play a part in supporting our health. When we are surrounded by toxic thoughts and negativity it can have a negative impact on our health and impair our body’s resistance to illness. Even an excess expression of a of a positive emotion such as “joy” can create an imbalance in our bodies. Emotions have a way of “ “holding” illness in our bodies and this is why in many chronic conditions there is often an emotional element or traumatic event that triggered the illness. It is important to look at the role emotions play in our lives and to find ways to bring balance back into our lives.

A friend once said, “In my time the word ‘stress’ wasn’t even part of our vocabulary, it was just called life.” These are challenging times we are living in right now. In this age of mass communication, computers and electronics we are faced with a whole different set of stressors than in earlier times. Through the media, we can now bring the “war” we are waging into our living rooms. Every human being is effected by these events on an emotional level and collectively as a society we are experiencing a range of emotions from anger to anxiety to joy.

Acupuncture has a wonderful balancing effect on the entire body and nervous system. One feels refreshed, relaxed and better able to deal with the daily “stressors” of life. Herbal medicine supports and nourishes the body. It is also important to include exercise – walking, yoga, Tai Chi for example. Get outside and enjoy nature; and remember to breathe deeply – throughout the day. Breathing relaxes and re-energizes the body. When illness is addressed on all levels including the emotional level, the body has a better chance of recovery.

Stay focused on the things that bring you joy and schedule an acupuncture treatment to bring your energy back into balance.