From a Chinese medical point of view the emotions play a big part in a person’s total health and well-being.  There are five main emotions considered when diagnosing an illness – anger, joy, worry, sorrow/grief, fear and each emotion is connected to a particular organ system. The environments we live and work in also play a part in supporting our health. 

Emotions have a way of affecting the way we feel on a physical level.  For example, when we feel good our body releases endorphins, hormones and enzymes that boost our immune systems.  The opposite is true when we are stressed, angry or ill. Have you ever considered the possibility that the thoughts you are thinking, not only effect you, but also the people around you?

When we are surrounded by toxic thoughts and negativity it can have a negative impact on our health and impair our body’s resistance to illness.  Even excessive expression of a positive emotion such as “joy” can create an imbalance in our system.  Emotions also have a way of “holding” illness in our bodies.  In many chronic health conditions, there is often an emotional element combined with a physical trauma that has triggered the illness.      

In this age of mass communication and computers we are faced with a whole different set of stressors than in earlier times. Through the media, everything going on in the world- the good, the bad and the ugly, is now in our living rooms.  Every human being is affected by these events on an emotional level.  Collectively as a society we are experiencing a range of emotions from anger to anxiety to even joy.  From a biochemical standpoint, the hormones adrenaline and cortisol are released into the system when faced with stressful situations, putting the body into “high alert”.  Over a period of time, this too can weaken the immune system and the body’s ability to heal.

What are The Solutions?

I have developed an emotional clearing technique that helps clear emotions that may be energetically “stuck” in the body.  Some questions I may ask for example, “Where do you feel stuck in your life and how does that feel?” or “Are there any emotional “hooks” that drag you back into a certain behavior, reaction or feeling?”  Once they have been identified, the emotional “hooks” are then treated by using a combination of acupuncture, acupressure and sometimes essential oils.  There is no need to re-live a memory or event to successfully clear the energy, because the emotion is being cleared on the cellular memory level.  I find this to be incredibly helpful for my patients in their overall healing process.

Acupuncture in general, has a wonderful balancing effect on the entire body and nervous system.  One feels refreshed, relaxed and better able to deal with the daily “stressors” of life. It is important to limit the amount of negativity you expose yourself to, including negative self-talk, and negative people in your life.  When you find yourself feeling anxious, turn your focus onto something that gives you pleasure, such as a beautiful memory or a fun activity.  When we distract our brains by providing a different focus, we can then release some of the “feel good” chemicals.

Herbal medicine and nutritional supplementation supports and nourishes the body. It is also important to include daily exercise –walking, yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation for example.  Get outside and enjoy nature; and remember to breathe deeply. Breathing relaxes and re-energizes the body.

It is important to look at the effect emotions have on our health and to find ways to bring balance back into our lives. When illness is addressed on all levels including the emotional level, the body has a better chance of recovery.  

Please call our office at 661-252-4100 and book your Seasonal Acupuncture appointment  today!